
Full Name   Rona Mae Depita (24)
Country/City Philippines / University/Major ISAT / Mathematics
Completion (2024-05-03)  0EA success
Hi there! My name is Rona Mae Felongco Depita, but you can call me Teacher Mae for short. I am very experienced in teaching young learners and adults since I graduated with a bachelor's degree as a teacher.

It has always been my passion to help kids and adults learn more about the English language because I believe learning English doesn't have to be difficult and boring. Since I have already worked with many students before, I can say I am very well versed in how to handle diverse students.

I just do not teach for myself, but I always make sure that you will never regret having me as your qualified teacher. You may feel free to talk casually or share your thoughts without a second thought; be confident enough to be yourself and speak with all your heart.

I am looking forward to seeing you in my class soon. Let us learn to be fluent and have fun.
See you!