
◈ General English Courses

  • ESL

    – designed to help students maximize their improvement in English communication skills through 1:1 and 1:5 classes in a short period
    – students attend classes according to their levels for each category of English (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Grammar, Writing)

  • Courses

    – Basic course : 1:1 class (3 hours) + 1:5 class (3 hours)
    – Effective course : 1:1 class (4 hours) + 1:5 class (3 hours)
    – Intensive course : 1:1 class (5 hours) + 1:5 class (3 hours)
    – Premium course : 1:1 class (7 hours)

  • Details

Course Level Required Subject Elective Subject
ESL 1A~2B 1:1 Grammar, Speaking Writing/Patterns/Vocabulary/Idioms/Reading/Pronunciation
1:5 Conversation Listening/Pronunciation/Situational English
3A~5B 1:1 Writing, Speaking Grammar/Patterns/Vocabulary/Idioms/Reading/Pronunciation/Collocation
1:5 Conversation Listening/American Accent/Situational English

◈ Test Preparation Course

    • TOEIC Guarantee Programs

      – Professional courses for trainees preparation for TOEIC for study or employment.
      – Course: 1: 1 lesson (6 hours)

Programs TOEIC 650 TOEIC 750 TOEIC 850
Requirement TOEIC 350 ~ 500 TOEIC 530 ~ 600 TOEIC 700 이상 ~
Period 12weeks 12weeks 12주
Classes 1:1 6Hrs
TEST Daily TOEIC Vocabulary Test, Mock TOEIC Test twice a month, 1 ETS TOEIC for free
Tuition Fee US$ 2,160 / 12weeks
Benefit Achieve the Goal : Provide free 4weeks ESL1 Course – 1:1 4Hrs, 1:5 2Hrs
Fail to achieve the goal(only if you observe all regulations) : Provide free 4weeks TOEIC Course
Regulation 1. TOEIC Guarantee Program is for 12weeks
2. Submit TOEIC score within 6month or take mock TOEIC Test in MK before taking the program.
If you are unqualified, the course should be changed to General English (Intensive course)
3. If you take General English, since you are unqualified, General English is not included in Guarantee Course.
4. Although you are not qualified, you can take TOEIC Course which is not guaranteed.
– No benefit of TOEIC Guarantee Program
5. After Level Test (mock TOEIC), Set the class Level → Choose 1 among 3 class levels
6. If you don’t take provided mock tests twice a month, you can not be provided free ETS TOEIC.
7. Target score is evaluated by the score of MK mock TOEIC or free EST TOEIC.
8. If you absent from class, you will be disqualified for the benefits without exception.
9. If you are provided free 4weeks Basic Course, you can use it anytime within 6month.
Regulation Violation 1. Less than 100% attendance for classes, self-study, vocabulary test.
2. Receive more than 2 warning cards for breaking regulations.
3. Do not take mock Test (without exception)
    • IELTS Guarantee Programs

      – Specialized course for trainees who will immigrate or study in English-speaking countries such as USA, Australia and Canada
      – Course: 1: 1 lesson (6 hours)

Programs IELTS 5.0 IELTS 6.0 IELTS 6.5
Requirement IELTS 4.0 ~ IELTS 5.0 ~ IELTS 6.0 이상
Period 12weeks 12weeks 12주
Classes 1:1 6Hrs (Grammar, Speaking, Reading, Writing)
TEST Daily IELTS Vocabulary Test, Mock IELTS Test twice a month, 1 IELTS for free
Tuition fee US$ 2,250 / 12weeks
Benefit Achieve the Goal : Provide free 4weeks ESL1 Course – 1:1 4Hrs, 1:5 2Hrs
Fail to achieve the goal(only if you observe all regulations) :
Provide free 4weeks IELTS Course
Regulation 1. IELTS Guarantee Program is for 12weeks
2. Submit IELTS score within 6month or take mock IELTS Test in MK before taking the program
→ If you are unqualified, the course should be changed to General English(Premium course)
3. If you take General English, since you are unqualified, General English is not included in Guarantee Course.
4. Although you are not qualified, you can take TOEIC Course which is not guaranteed.- No benefit of IELTS Guarantee Program.
5. After Level Test (mock TOEIC), Set the class Level → Choose 1 among 3 class levels.
6. If you don’t take provided mock tests twice a month, you can not be provided free official IELTS.
7. Target score is evaluated by the score of MK mock IELTS or free official IELTS.
8. If you absent from class, you will be disqualified for the benefits without exception.
9.If you get free 4weeks Basic Course, you can use it anytime within 6month.
Regulation Violation 1. Less than 100% attendance for classes, self-study, vocabulary test.
2. Receive more than 2 warning cards for breaking regulations.
3. Do not take mock Test (without exception)
    • Exam preparation course

      – Course composition

IELTS 3B~ 1:1 Listening/Reading/Speaking/Grammar/Writing Task 1, Task 2
TOEIC 2A~ 1:1 Listening Part 1&2, Listening Part 3&4,Reading Part 5, Reading Part 6,Reading Part 7, TOEIC Grammar

◈ University Courses

  • TESOL Course

    – Specialized course for students interested in teaching English or working in the English education field
    – Consists of a special course plus 8 hour classes on Saturdays for 4 weeks (total of 32 hours)
    – Applicants are required to pass a diagnostic exam and an interview to qualify. A WVSU TESOL Certification is issued for those who

  • College Course

    – Specialized course for students who study in a Philippine university / college as an Exchange student
    – Consists of a special course plus 1 to 3 hours of classes provided by the university / college
    – Through attending classes in CPU, students can not only improve English skills but also acquire credit units which are credited to their own school. A CPU Certification is issued for those who complete the short course.

  • Internship Course

    – Specialized course for students who want to learn practical English and obtain working experiences in an international company for their future career.
    – consists of 4 hours of 1:1 classes and 3 hours of 1:5 classes, or 4 hours of 1:1 classes and 3 hours of internship program.
    – Companies: CPU, Iloilo City Hall, Department of Tourism Regional Office / City Tourism Office, Philippine Airlines, Iloilo Airport, Ford, Mitsubishi, SM Mall, Robison’s Mall, Hotel Del-Rio, Sarabia Manor Hotel.
    – An internship Certification is issued after the completion of the course.

◈ Junior Courses

    • Guardian Course

      – Designed for young learners under 13 years old staying with their guardian(s)
      – Consists of a special course or a guardian course (4 hours of 1:1 classes) for guardian(s);
      (Junior Basic) 5 hours of 1:1 classes or (Junior Intensive) 7 hours of 1:1 classes

    • Supervised Study Abroad

      – designed for young learners under 13 years old staying without a guardian
      – consists of 5 hours of 1:1 classes and 2 hours of evening classes.
      – 3+1 bed room, the student is supervised and looked after in terms of school and every day lives on behalf of the parents.

    • Junior Camp

      – Designed for young / junior students who need to study English and Math during the vacation, and want to experience various cultural activities.
      – Consists of 4 hours of 1:1 classes, 2 hours of group classes, 2 hours of sports activities, 1 hour of Math problem solving, 3 hours of evening class.
      – Volunteer and outdoor activities on the weekends, including a 2 night trip to Boracay and Island hopping